2dF Header


In early 1988 it was back to work for CSIRO, at DMST, until early 1990. During this time the Atmospheric Pressure Scanner was designed and built, a UV-VIS-NIR imager was designed for the ANU's 2.3 meter telescope and early work begun on 2dF for the AAT.

Damien established Prime Optics in mid-1990, relying solely on his own Optical Design software, an early DOS-based PC, a fax machine and a telephone. A graduate Diploma in Computing Science was completed between 1993 and 1994 to support the continuous software development that had become necessary to remain abreast of the rapidly emerging, semi-automatic, commercially available Optical Design programs that were becoming the "lingua franca" of the Optical Design community. The in-house software is still in use but now complements the ZEMAX-EE® Optical Design Software.

Since its inception, Prime Optics has played a key role in countless Optical Design projects, both large and small.